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Shaman giving me the blessing of the Apus

Breath Work Sessions

A guided practice focused on conscious breathing techniques designed to help you

1 h 30 min
80 euro
Cornelis Trooststraat

Service Description

Promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Here's a detailed description of what typically happens during a breathwork session: Setting the Scene: The session begins with creating a comfortable and serene environment. Participants are often encouraged to sit or lie down in a relaxed position, either on yoga mats or comfortable cushions, surrounded by soft lighting and soothing music. Introduction and Intention Setting: The facilitator introduces the purpose and intention of the session, inviting participants to set their own personal intentions or goals for the practice. This could be anything from releasing tension and stress to cultivating inner peace or promoting emotional healing. Guided Breathwork Techniques: The facilitator guides participants through a series of breathwork techniques, which may include deep diaphragmatic breathing, rhythmic breathing patterns, or specific pranayama exercises borrowed from yoga traditions. These techniques are designed to regulate the breath, increase oxygen flow, and stimulate the relaxation response in the body. Focused Awareness: Participants are encouraged to bring their awareness to the sensations of the breath as it moves in and out of the body. They may be guided to notice the rise and fall of the chest or the sensation of air passing through the nostrils. The emphasis is on maintaining a gentle and continuous flow of breath throughout the practice. Release and Letting Go: As the breathwork session progresses, participants may start to experience physical, mental, and emotional sensations arising. The facilitator encourages them to observe these sensations without judgment and to allow any tension, stress, or emotions to release with each exhale. Integration and Reflection: Towards the end of the session, participants are invited to gradually return to a state of rest and relaxation. They may be guided through a period of stillness and silence to integrate their experience and reflect on any insights or feelings that arose during the practice. Closing and Gratitude: The session concludes with a brief closing where participants are invited to express gratitude for themselves, the facilitator, and the practice itself. They may also be encouraged to carry the sense of calm and well-being cultivated during the session into their daily lives. Overall, a breathwork session offers a safe and supportive space for participants to deepen their connection to the breath, access inner peace

Contact Details

  • Cornelis Trooststraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands


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